Sunday, March 16, 2014

Not JUST a stay at home mom

I am very blessed to be able to stay at home with my three precious and full-of-life children.  I genuinely see it this way.  I get to see all of the little-big things they do everyday that essentially make up their growth and development.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!  Of course, I have days when I want to pull my hair out because, let's just be honest here folks-that would be less painful than remaining patient and positive for the duration of their wakeful hours.  Truly, this season has been one of the most refining times my life has ever been through, the hottest furnace I've ever voluntarily walked into.

But you want in on a little secret?  I realized the other day as I was watching the kids play together (and they do so very well, thankfully!) that I am not JUST a stay at home mom.  It was like a Holy Spirit moment; a ray of heaven's light shone through the ceiling and into my living room, and God spoke.  He reminded me of a powerful and profound truth that day.  When I looked over at Addison and Carter and Thea, I saw through their baby faces and saw three world changers.  Top to bottom, through and through.  He reminded me that what I am doing everyday is shaping who they will become as school-age kids, as teenagers, as adults.  I am helping to equip them for the call that God has on their lives to "carry out great exploits in His name" and to represent His love and His kingdom.  My kids have been put on this planet by the God of the universe Himself, and He has a plan and purpose for their lives.  It's up to me during this season to shape and mold their character and show them the heart of their Father God through my parenting.  

I know that this isn't really news.  We as moms all know deep down that what we do with and for our kids is significant and much bigger than ourselves.  But it's easy to feel monotonous and mundane with all the diapers and cereal bowls and constant nagging to stop jumping on the couch and clean up the toys.  The day in, day out tasks required of me as a mother can make it hard to see that I'm doing anything of real and lasting value.  It's like the daily stuff becomes a fog that I must merely survive until the next nap time or bedtime.  So today, I thank God for the reminders that stretch me through these days that are so long, yet so short.  

Can I encourage you, mom in the trenches, that you are a part of something grand and beautiful and bursting at the seams with purpose?  God made YOU and only you to be your child's mom, and you do a better job than anyone else on the planet could do!  Be blessed as you minister to your own little-big world changers!